Hi, my name is

Justin Jasa.

A Software Engineer.

Iā€™m a software engineer specialising in front-end development. I am focused on building accessible and human-centric products that provide exceptional digital experiences.

About Me ________________

Hey šŸ‘‹

I'm Justin, a software engineering student at UTS with a strong interest in developing applications that create amazing experiences for its users.

Currently, I'm mainly honing skills as a frond-end developer but in the future I wish to develop into an individual who can help in all parts of the engineering process.

Usually when I'm not working, I like being active šŸ€, hanging out with friends and enjoy big buckets of fried chicken šŸ—

Here are some technologies I have worked with: JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, express.js, Sanity.io, CSS/Tailwind, HTML

About me

Building & Design.

Personal projects, Web apps and experimentals

I like to write,

About my process in dev, learning and life

Get in Touch


My inbox is always open for opportunities to contribute to new projects and improve my skills! I will reply to opportunties that are interesting and align with my values.